Supersonas is here to create
A balanced presence of women at all decision-making levels and leadership positions in Israel and worldwide.
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Ruthie Dennis
Business development & sales manager
Ruthie Dennis
I believe that dreams are meant to come true, we just need to lead them wise. Every day brings new opportunities to learn and to achieve new goals, and the way is important no less than the achievement. I believe that leadership starts within us, in leading our life to the place we want to be.

Irit Kornfein
Entrepreneurship, commercial and civil Litigation
Irit Kornfein
I believe in excellence, positive thinking, humbleness, and being a Mensch

Penina Shepherd
Innovation in business and business law

Penina Shepherd
I believe in happiness in the workplace as a formula for successful business.
I believe in women’s equality in the workplace and beyond.
To achieve those I believe that a business should be run democratically whereby everybody’s opinion truly matters.

Yael Givon
Legal Counsel, Teva Europe
(Pharmaceuticals & Intellectual
Property law)
(Pharmaceuticals & Intellectual
Property law)
Yael Givon
Change your thoughts and you can change your world

Darya Henig Shaked
Activist for gender equality and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Darya Henig Shaked
I believe that promoting gender equality in circles of influence, in policy making and in the sphere of entrepreneurship and investment will only create a better world, more attuned to its myriad of voices.
I am always driven by a sense of justice, and believe that if change is possible - which often is the case - it is our responsibility to embrace it.

Dr Esq Galit Gonen
Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Teva Europe
Dr Esq Galit Gonen
I believe that leadership begins with listening. My success is not only the result of what I know, but is also due to the way I relate to my colleagues.

Gili Gibli, Esq
Founder, Gili Gibli Law
Gili Gibli, Esq
I believe that women who have established ourselves in various segments of the professional world in Israel and around the globe have an obligation to join forces and work to promote weaker sectors. We can achieve this by encouraging entrepreneurial and financial thinking, making higher education accessible and ensuring that they become productive members of the workforce. Success in this mission will contribute to a more just society as well as bridge social gaps in Israel.

Anne Nahum
Legal Counsel
Anne Nahum
I believe that women combine sense and sensibility in a harmonious way; in a way that helps them achieve their targets and goals
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