Darya Henig Shaked
Activist for gender equality and development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Activist for gender equality and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Promoting gender, social and economic equality.
Bridging gaps between the developed world and the base of the pyramid.
Politics and government policy.
Advisor for the Impact Investing Fund, specializing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Activist for gender equality and founder of the Supersonas Index for Executives
CEO of a company promoting African entrepreneurship (with emphasis on gender equality) in Silicon Valley
Various posts in civil service (Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Construction and Housing during the Israeli disengagement from Gaza)
In the private sector: Foreign trade risk insurance, government & private sector collaboration, initiating social projects, business development, philanthropy management, marketing, international relations, communications and press, logistics
Management of art gallery
Expanded LLB\\ Bar Ilan University
Internship in Criminal Law\\ Central District of the State Attorney’s Office
Graduate of Executive Program\\ Singularity University, California
Activist for gender equality and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Promoting gender, social and economic equality.
Bridging gaps between the developed world and the base of the pyramid.
Politics and government policy.
Expanded LLB\\ Bar Ilan University
Internship in Criminal Law\\ Central District of the State Attorney’s Office
Graduate of Executive Program\\ Singularity University, California
Advisor for the Impact Investing Fund, specializing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Activist for gender equality and founder of the Supersonas Index for Executives
CEO of a company promoting African entrepreneurship (with emphasis on gender equality) in Silicon Valley
Various posts in civil service (Office of the Prime Minister of Israel, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Construction and Housing during the Israeli disengagement from Gaza)
In the private sector: Foreign trade risk insurance, government & private sector collaboration, initiating social projects, business development, philanthropy management, marketing, international relations, communications and press, logistics
Management of art gallery